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Who Am I?


"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food."

~ Hippocrates ca. 400 BC


Cayla Lou Loves Food. My silly instagram name I came up with when I was studying to be an R.H.N. at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition is simple, concise and my absolute truth. For those who know me, I rarely go a few hours without talking about food in one manner or another. The care, cultivation and ethical practices of growing it, the political influences changing our ability of aquiring it, the heroes working to provide it in its highest quality form and just plain savouring every last bite of it. It's no secret that what you put in your body directly correlates with your levels of health and happiness. So if the old attage "you are what you eat" still rings true today, then who are we? Who do we want to be, and how can we get there? 


I have worked in the restaurant industry since I was 15 years old, and my partner is a Chef by trade. Our deeply rooted love for the magic that is cultivating, preparing, cooking and consuming food is one of our strongest bonds. He has taught, and continues to teach me so much about food from the prespective of a trained chef. That is the amazing thing about food; not only does it nourish our bodies in micro and macronutritients, its preparation calls for teamwork and its enjoyment is always best when shared with others.


In 2013, I dove deeper into my love affair with food by enrolling in the Natural Nutrition program at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Kelowna, British Columbia Canada. My life permenately changed from that moment on. My interest and enjoyment of food has grown into an absolute passion for the awesome power of real food and its albility to enrich your life. With my education being holistic in nature, we were not only educated on the physical benefits of real food, but of the many other ways that we can nourish ourselves in mind, spirit and soul as well. My world was quickly opened up to a whole other realm of spirituality, self-improvement and the vital importance of taking time to nurture ourselves. Yoga holds a special space in my heart, and has been a part of my life consistently over the last two years and I cannot speak highly enough of how it has revolutionized my life. I feel more like my true self that I ever have before. My practice is my space of freedom, where I can let go of everything and just be. I feel more connected, balanced and energized in all aspects of my life.


But who am I when I cast my roles in life aside? I am lover of life; I am naive, hopeful and speak my heart, usually without much filter. I believe in connecting with nature and with the wild human you are meant to be. I am a smoothie junkie, a wannabe epicurean and a chocolate lover. My feet detest the confines of socks and shoes, I wear too much jewelry and am constantly humming songs that I don't even know the words to. I can be stubborn, fickle, talkative, and relentless in what I want. I am growing my green thumb and expanding my knowledge of plant medicine. Yoga/meditation, exercise, fresh air, our garden and my bike are my therapy. I dream of seeing every corner of the earth but love the comforts of my home. My family, my friends, my kitties and my partner in crime are my everything, and I could not be where I am without them. I am just me, whoever that is.


 So as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, I am ready to share my passion for real food and all things holistic with the world. I humbly offer myself with an open mind, a bursting heart and a full tummy! 


Cayla Lou


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